Front Runner Sports

Performance Squad- Track
with Ben Green

June 12 (Tuesday)
at 5:30 pm

Class length
75 minutes

WA Athletics Stadium

The Front Runner performance squad is for male and female runners 16 years and over who are keen to commit to a higher level of training and racing. Junior athletes 16 years and over have the opportunity to move into a personalised coaching framework with West Australia’s most successful middle and long distance coaches & squad. This group is suited, but not limited to, teens & adults who have goals of State, National & International representation.

Meet Coach Ben outside the entry to the WA Athletics Stadium* for a track session focussed on enhancing your VO2 Max

*Please note that Venues West charge an entry fee ($8 adults & $4 juniors/concessions) for use of the track, payable to reception upon entry to the stadium.


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